tSM modules
tSM (Telco Service Management) is a modular system designed for the support of Telco OSS/BSS processes
![tSM modules](/images/tsm-core-modules.png)
tSM (Telco Service Management) is a modular system designed for the support of Telco OSS/BSS processes
The CRM module is designated for simple registration of customers with main focus in B2B business (e.g., infrastructure providers) and small B2C providers (e.g., ISP).
The tSM Service Catalog contains the definition of services in terms of OSS systems.
The Ordering module provides easy access, management and administration of everything related to:
The Work force module provides all the tools for dynamically and lean work force management.
Ticket (fault ticket) is a problem identified either by the customer or the system, that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The ticketing module provides the tools to create, resolve and manage such tickets.
Shared main core services across modules tSM Modules.
Design and execution of processes and activities. It contains graphical process/activity designer, execution and modification of process instances, mapping of activities to either automatic actions (interface) or manual tasks.
tSM contains fully-fledged user & security management with custom properties, roles, user groups and privileges. Typically, this is connected to the customer's AD/LDAP/IDM & SSO.
tSM contains DMS only in the form of simple attachment management. Usually this is proxied to a legacy customer management system with advanced full text document search capability etc.
Fast and customizable filtering. Each microservice contains only its own data, but Elastic Search may contain complex data structures aggregated from many microservices (CQRS architectural pattern).
Toolbox for extending the main tSM entities (e.g. product, ticket, service) and/or for creating custom entities. The configuration is persisted as a JSON Schema standard and as such it may be published as a part of public API. A visual form designer for user screens operates on top of the data model.
TM Forum developed a suite of 50+ REST-based Open APIs for service provider internal and external use. tSM modules conform to this standard where applicable or extends the API according to Open API guidelines.
Advanced technical & business monitoring based on Spring Cloud infrastructure and ELK (Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana) stack. Besides standard monitoring it offer a deep insight into business metrics.
Main parts of the application
The dashboard is the home screen that displays when user log in to the application. It is also available as a main menu item of the same name or when click the “tSM” banner in the application header. It comes in the form of the notice board where user can pin the so-called “widgets” (various graphs, tables, previews of the commonly used forms, etc.
The Form designer is part of dynamically generated forms module. Using the dynamically generated forms allows to use custom fields of various type, registers, components or even the child form to any form across the application. This tool offers a wide selection of options to modify the appearance and behaviour of the custom created fields or forms.
The Process designer is a tool for creating and executing processes and activities. It has a graphic process/activities editor (Camunda modeler) for executing and modify process instances, automatic action or manual tasks. Created processes are then used in "Ticketing", "Ordering" and "WFM"