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Jsme lídrem a zkušeným poskytovatelem inovativních IT řešení napříč různými odvětvími. Jsme odborníci na zakázkový vývoj softwaru, poradenství a IT podporu.

DataLite je Gold Oracle partner, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Red Hat partner a držitel certifikací ISO 9001 a ISO 27001.


Máme rozsáhlé znalosti a dovednosti v oblasti softwarové analýzy, vývoje a poradenství. Používáme nejnovější technologie, např. Microservice, KAFKA®, Angular, OpenShift®, OptaPlanner, Kotlin a další.


Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb od poradenství, vývoje softwaru na zakázku a komplexní prevenci kyberkriminality (Security Care) až po opravy a vývoj problémových systémů třetích stran (System Rescue).


Zeptejte se na naše nejnovější inovativní softwarové řešení eDPO (Electronic Data Protection Officer) a tSM (Telco Service Management), nebo nás kontaktujte ohledně vývoje softwaru na zakázku.

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Již dvakrát jsme se umístili mezi prvními deseti společnostmi v Evropě v segmentu Poskytovatelů telekomunikačních řešení a Telekomunikačních poradenských služeb.

DataLite - tSM

An End-to-End Platform for OSS and BSS Domain

With the rapid growth of telecommunication networks, the demand for more distributed and large-scale network and business management applications has increased manifolds. Subsequently, the telecom industry has extensively started harnessing the processing power of IT to manage geographically dispersed networks and services, and to achieve consistency, reliability and transparency. In this regard, operational support systems (OSS), and business support systems (BSS) have emerged as powerful tools to help telcos be more service-oriented by providing strong support for integrated services, a consistent data model, interoperability with different telcos, management of customer service network, and many other benefits. Set against this backdrop is DataLite that offers its flagship solution, Telco Service Management (tSM). The solution provides end-to-end support for the OSS and BSS processes, enabling telecom operators to reliably and effectively cater to enormous numbers of subscribers and communication networks. “We leveraged more than 20 years of experience in the telecom sector to develop tSM solution that offers complete support to telecom operators in the OSS and BSS domain,” states Jiri Bubnik, Technical Director at DataLite.

The tSM solution offers all the essential attributes for the smooth functioning of OSS and BSS processes, including CRM and ordering, service fulfilment (provisioning, WFM), service assurance (ticketing), billing and so on. DataLite follows the standards of TM Forum, a global industry association that help communications service providers (CSPs) and their suppliers to transform and thrive in the digital era. Using these standards, DataLite formed the core of its tSM solution, which consists of process management tool and data model/form designer and built telco modules on top of this core.

Fully compatible to the standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), the process management tool allows telecom operators to import their current processes into the DataLite tSM solution, configure them for execution of human and automatic tasks along and allows continuous process evolution in the system using graphical process designer.

CTO Jiří Bubník

We leveraged more than 20 years of experience in the telecom sector to develop tSM solution that offers complete support to telecom operators in the OSS and BSS domain

Another significant aspect of tSM solution is the form designer that enables telecom operators to add custom forms and attributes according to their specific requirement. “Business users can use drag and drop tool to create custom forms or custom fields that can be used throughout the system and processes,” informs Bubnik. Additionally, the DataLite tSM solution also conforms and extends the suite of 50 REST-based open APIs developed by the TM Forum to help telcos interact with third-party systems.

The company also acts as a security partner for organisations where it performs a penetration test to identify any security risk and help them eliminate those risks. “Security is not only about the technical aspect, it basically means identifying methods and processes of the organisations, looking into the systems which are obsolete, the communication between systems and establishing proper authorisations for system’s access,” says Bubnik. The highly experienced team at the company audits the current status of an organisation’s system and fixes their old legacy systems to mitigate any security issues.

Bubnik shares a customer success story of an emerging telecom company, Nordic Telecom that was struggling to integrate multiple legacy systems. Using its flagship product tSM, DataLite was able to replace all systems with one unified solution, which serves now as a single source of truth for data and company processes. It also simplified the overall architecture tremendously.

With its tSM platform gaining widespread recognition across telecom operators, DataLite is focusing on introducing the next version of the platform that will have much more connectors and will offer richer online collaboration capabilities. DataLite is also working with partners to achieve customisations and implementations of tSM and the expansion of the company in more countries. "The whole world is our field of implementation. We want the Telco Service Management to be the first choice for an operator to cover their OSS and BSS needs," concludes Bubnik.

Top 10 Telecom Consulting Services/Companies
In Europe - 2020

DataLite Telecomtech Outlook Certificate Zdroj: telecom-europe.telecomtechoutlook.com


tSM – A Unified OSS/BSS Solution

Companies in the global telecommunications industry tackle high customer demand by diversifying their offerings and providing multi-play services at personalised prices. To guarantee the efficiency of such offerings, telecom companies often need to either upgrade or completely modify their OSS and BSS systems. Datalite—a Czech Republic-based company—is helping such businesses transition from technology-centric operations to customer-centric approaches and harness the capabilities of OSS/BSS. The company offers innovative solutions that provide telecom operators with the highest flexibility when launching new products, dramatically decrease the cost of deploying telco services, and streamlines telecom IT operations. Additionally, the company’s flagship product—Telco Service Management (tSM)—comprehensively covers the OSS/ BSS domain and consists of CRM, ordering, provisioning, WFM, trouble ticketing, billing, and other modules, that could be employed as a complete package or used individually.

Datalite was founded by Jiří Kadlec two decades ago as a telecom brand, and since then, the company has progressively served the retail and utility segments as well. The company takes pride in its advanced OSS/BSS products that house the industry’s most innovative GDPR-compliant features. Datalite’s tSM product line combines multiple modules, empowering the clients to carry out different operations—ordering, service assurance, workforce management, and more—from a single dashboard. To gratify such customer-centric requirements of the telecom industry, the company adapts to the latest trends by upgrading its solutions accordingly. Elaborating on the high expertise of the company’s employees, Marek Linhart, Director of Datalite, says, “Knowledge of the customer’s environment and business is an integral part of our corporate culture. This is the only way we can deliver top-notch services.” Datalite, analogous to reliability and fairness, gives utmost importance to customer satisfaction and offers bespoke solutions, ensuring its clients optimally leverage its products. Rather than considering them as payers, the company treats its customers as partners and actively communicates with them to solve their issues. Anticipating the needs of the telecom industry in the future, the company has also incorporated AI-powered solutions in its product line.

Director - Marek Linhart

Datalite employs AI to allow its clients to conduct sophisticated analyses of current consumer data that enhance their operational capabilities. By analysing both historical and contemporary information, the company’s solutions predict consumer behaviour and generate reports. These reports enable clients to forecast problematic scenarios, prepare for them in advance, and make informed decisions. Elaborating on this, Linhart adds, “We work on functionalities that draw data from other sources such as weather forecasts, statistics on the usage of Telco technologies, competition analyses, and labour market situations. Our clients have access to data that no other system provides.” Apart from offering groundbreaking telecom solutions, Datalite offers Continous Delivery, a service that is becoming prevalent in today’s market.

“Not only do we help our customers with the evolution of their existing legacy systems, but by offering our product line, we also solve their frequent problems associated with an ageing application portfolio,” says Linhart. Apart from giving utmost importance to customer satisfaction, Datalite also focuses on meeting the increasing need for flexibility, innovation, and technological development in the telecom industry and proactively develops solutions that fulfil its clients’ every need. Though Datalite’s product line is relatively young in the telecom industry, it is not overloaded by legacy technologies and houses innovative features that go well beyond the needs of its clients. Nordic Telecom, one of the Czech market’s largest telecom operators, struggled to integrate smaller ISPs into one flexible IT environment. Rose to the occasion was Datalite, which empowered the company to completely automate its operations and develop a unified system that incurred minimal overhead operating costs. During the pandemic, the company effectively enabled its customers to manage remote workers with its workforce management module and helped them stay productive during lockdowns. With twenty years of experience and utilisation of the latest technologies, Datalite aims at delivering optimum configurations, customisations, and integration of tSM into specific environments while preemptively developing its solutions. As Linhart concludes, “Despite Datalite’s tremendous growth, our focus on clients satisfaction has not wavered. Our offer does not end with the sale of a license, and we foster long-standing relationships with our clients based on cooperation and reliability.”

Top 10 European Telecom Tech Solution
Companies - 2021

DataLite Telecomtech CIO Applications Certificate Zdroj: telecom.cioapplicationseurope.com